Monday, July 4, 2011


I haven't posted in so long - but it's been busy with family visits, a fun vacation, and special times with grandkids...most notably Charlie had his special time with Grammie two weeks ago. Here are the incredible traits that I love about Charlie:

He is incredibly optimistic and is interested in doesn't matter what it is (it could be your new handbag, or a star, or a bearded dragon, or a new tree in the yard); it's a trait he shares with his Uncle Mark. Charlie is also fun, and cheerful. He is sensitive to others, and notices he won't be hurting your feelings ever. He has a keen sense of fairness, so you have to be fair, or he will let you know. He is honest, and pure, loves his family, gives so many kisses and hugs...he is game for any activity and for any kind of food. At the Space and Science center, he literally bounced with joy at a ball display that had in front - the joy reached from the top of his head to the bottoms of his shoes. He was vibrating happiness and curiosity! I can't say enough awesome things about Charlie, and I can't wait for his next visit, after Scarlet, Janie and Jacob that be fair:)

Charlie, thanks for coming to stay with me buddy! man shoma ducet daram!!

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