Friday, September 6, 2013


Sarra's big beautiful plum tree - full of ripe and delicious plums. The amount of  plums is actually scary.

Applesauce from the apples on my tree - also a scary amount of big green apples -
 they are really crisp and delicious. I should snap a photo tomorrow. The tree is about 1/4 picked.

Packed plums..

Applesauce, plums, and 24 jars of plum jam that Sarra made after I left...I was good for about 7 hours, she was good for about 15! 

I LOVE having my daughter close - she is such a delight...I notice that she is exacting of herself, but completely undemanding of those of us around her...she is a perfect companion to work along side b/c she is interesting to talk to, and she really gets in the zone for getting the job done. I have a complete interest in the things that interest her...the children's education, the study of introverts (very illuminating), the love lives of the boys...haha, our need for peace, and the periods of total silence as we work feels as comfy as a light sweater on a cool day. That beautiful relationship feels eternal.

Believe me this day was not cool though - it was 28C out; Scarlet put a fan on me, and Jane kept  me plied with cold water. Charlie is good at making sure I have my supportive indoor shoes...oh my, am I this high maintenance in my hormonal old age (of 52 today still)...yes, I am that hot and I don't mean 'hot', I mean hot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love everything about this post.