Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Did you know the cell phone companies are the number 1 complained about companies in Canada? If you have a cell phone, you know that's true, b/c we are the most gouged country in the world. Enter Wind: we have high hopes Wind, so don't let us down!

"Simply put, we want to create the most unforgettably positive customer experience in Canada.

How? By speaking with you, not at or over you. By making every site you visit, every store you set foot in and every call you have with us into a meaningful conversation to help build something better - together. We'll make it as easy as possible to be a customer. You'll have more control over your mobile experience than you've ever had before. And you'll get all this at a price you can afford.

The result of this vision, the core of what we all believe, is how it affects you...our customers, our partners.

Dialogue. Simplicity. Control. And Value."

"Why WIND?

WIND is an established and growing brand with a successful history of over 10 years in two large European markets (Italy and Greece). WIND is a brand of Wind Telecomunicazione, an operating unit of Weather Investments s.p.A., and its customer base shares a very similar profile with our primary target segment.

By choosing the brand name WIND, we’re not only leveraging its legacy as a challenger, but also its operational intelligence and global experience, bringing global standards for value and service to Canada. This provides us with a solid launching pad as we enter a very competitive and closely held market."


The Eatons said...

thats some marvelous advertising.

The Eatons said...

thats some marvelous advertising.